The error message shown when histedit'ing a changeset with child nodes is "abort: cannot edit history that would orphan nodes" This message could be improved to something more intuitive, like "histedit can be run only on leaf nodes" "can only run histedit while current revision has no children" I frequently use histedit and I tried to run histedit on non-leaf nodes by mistake and I was confused by "abort: cannot edit history that would orphan nodes". Googling didn't help much as well.
Amending a changeset with child gives the below message. $ hg ci --amend abort: cannot amend changeset with children For the sake of uniformity, it might be better to change the histedit abort message to "abort: cannot histedit changeset with children".
The first two are not technically correct, so I wouldn't like them. The third suggestion of "cannot histedit changeset with children" does sound technically correct to me and more consistent, so +1 on that wording if we change it.
The existing message is perfectly succinct and descriptive, but I suppose we can't depend on everyone knowing what the verb "to orphan" means.
Fixed by liscju <> histedit: improve error when run on nodes with children (issue5056) (please test the fix)
Is this issue still open then I would like to work on this?
As pointed but the message above yours. This has been fixed.
Bug was set to TESTING for 7 days, resolving